Ghosts, Demons and Spirits: Do They Exist and How to Protect Yourself

The terms "Spirits" and "Ghosts" often instill fear in many people. But then these are the people who believe that things like ghosts can exist. There are also people who strongly believe that there are no such things as ghosts, spirits and demons - that it's all mind tricks and hallucinations. The debate has been endless. Visit for more information. But this article is about more than this debate. Let's move ahead on the assumption that ghosts and spirits do exist. That there are things such as ghosts, spirits and demons and they are all often seen or heard. Being afraid of a ghost is a normal, and quite common, reaction. You don't know what the ghost may do to you and being afraid of the inexplicable is understandable. But to understand whether a ghost is harmful, the first step is to understand the difference between ghosts and demons. Ghosts are rarely vengeful. They're often simply lost sou...